What the Indian rebels of 1857 taught Karl Marx

Pranav Jani
6 min readMay 9, 2018

First published on May 9, 2018 in Socialist Worker.

The charge that Marxism is Eurocentric erases not only what Marx himself wrote, but the work of other Marxists who debated and developed his ideas, writes Pranav Jani.

THE 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthday is a good time for reflections on who Marx was and who he wasn’t.

I was first introduced to Marx in a serious way, not just as a punching bag, in 1994 when I was a graduate student. I flipped back and forth about what I thought of him…



Pranav Jani

Assoc Prof, English, Ohio St (postcolonial/ethnic studies). Social justice organizer. Writer, speaker. Desi. Family guy. Singer. Wannabe cook. He/him. @redguju.